Secret Manifest Guide: Attract Anything You Want in Life
In July of 2022, my kids went on a three-week vacation with their father. Around two weeks before they left, I decided this would be a time of deep learning for me on how the law of attraction works and ways to create a better life.
I decided to dedicate those three weeks to meditation.
You see, in April of that same year, I started to piece together the purpose of life. I had the basic idea but was a long way from fully understanding the law of attraction.
I began to realize that everything that had ever happened in my life, beyond my childhood, was brought about through my thoughts. This included both the negative experiences and the positive outcomes. This is first step all human beings must understand.
Even though I had experienced deep trauma and moments where food and home security were not given to me, I was still always okay.
I started to wonder how it was possible that I had always been okay.
Even when I didn’t have a home to live in, when I didn’t have food, or when I tried to commit suicide. I was actually still always taken care of. Even through living in a negative mindset, I managed to create some positive things without putting much energy.
And the pieces started to fall into place.
I had created the ability to preserve myself, despite my own negative thoughts creating, at times, a bleak reality.
So, if I could do that for myself without doing it intentionally, what could I create in my life intentionally? How would my life change if I changed to more positive thinking?
It was also during this time that through this realization that I had created my reality, both the good and the bad parts of my life, I realized I was not a victim. I could not continue to go of my past and create negative results.
You see, for a long time, I felt that because I was a person of color, grew up poor, and didn’t have connections to raise my status, my life destiny had a ceiling.
But this ceiling was also a creation I made for myself through this very thought. I created the ceiling and a life of limiting beliefs.
I got far enough in this learning process to create a better and new job for myself simply by changing how I thought about how work should be and how a lot of money should arrive in my life, but I knew there was more.
So, when I was given three weeks to be on my own, I dove into learning, which turned out to be far beyond the laws of attraction.
When I say learning, I mean that I opened myself to receiving insight and knowledge from the Universe.
How I received this manifestation knowledge from Source
I have always known there was a higher Source, and I wanted to receive learning from this Source directly.
In my area, there is a beach, not known to many and a little off the beaten path, but you can park directly overlooking the Ocean.
Each day during those three weeks in July, I loaded my SUV with food for the day, water, my journal and pen, and Oracle cards, and I even placed a twin mattress in the back with plenty of blankets and pillows.
And I also brought my surfboard and wetsuit.
It was July in Southern California, which is sometimes a bit chilly (for Californians).
I spent hours in visual meditations, surfed, napped, and meditated some more before I drove home in the late afternoon.
When I paddled out into the lineup for surfing, I would greet the waters of the Ocean and feel it welcoming me back. And in those waters, I also received grounding and lessons in how life works.
I received immense knowledge in meditation and would often come out of meditation, overcome with tears and emotions from what I learned.
Fearing that I would forget, I thought it was a good idea to write it down, so I took my journal out and wrote all the learnings as quickly as I could.
By the time the three weeks ended, I knew everything about our purpose as humans, how manifestation process works, our ability to create, and how to end human suffering.
But, the knowledge felt too much.
I went into retreat mode, and most of my friends didn’t hear from me much after my kids returned from their vacation.
And now, almost a year later, I finally feel ready to share these teachings.
I want to share this knowledge to change the lives of everyone reading this.
To end your suffering, to show you how to create, connect with the Universe, attract everything you want in your life, and more.
I hope you are ready to change your life. If you have read this far, you are. And so, let’s begin.
I will share the Universe’s teachings with you as I received them in my own words. To receive, you have to be ready.
And if you’re reading this, you are ready.
First, we start with setting a foundation. Then in my next blog post, I will write about how to fully utilize your ability to create and manifest, which will include you having to deconstruct much of what you know to be true.
Let’s begin with who you are
You are not your mind; you are not your body. Before you came into this world, you were solely spirit. Today, you are a spirit in a human form.
You are part of the greater consciousness, even in this human form. You chose to come to Earth to experience humanity.
You had a purpose in doing so. For some, this is to heal generational trauma; for others, it is to teach other humans about the human experience and expose them to their powers.
Some might want to excel in a profession, experience mortal love, or confront human struggles. There are numerous reasons, but you knew yours before you were born.
You did not yet integrate into the human body when you were born.
Instead, you remained primarily as a spirit for the first few years of childhood, not yet programmed by other humans around you to experience life in limitations.
This is why children often believe they can do incredible things.
I remember my 3rd born child believing he could fly from one roof to another if I only let him.
And as a child, I recall playing with other spirits, who were no longer in human form, and I also created an entire universe that lived underground. So I felt very much a part of their world through my imagination.
As a child, all things are possible. Because they are, and you are very aware of this, you operate primarily from your spirit self.
Over time, the older humans around you impose their limitations on you by telling you what is and isn’t possible.
They also mentor you through their actions, showing you how you are to believe in yourself in this world.
My mother was a strong woman who often lived in fear and felt unaccepted in the world.
She thought she had to prove herself, so she built an image of strength, which underneath laid immense fear.
My mother built walls around her so that others could never get too close to her, as they might hurt her, so she believed.
She never told me these things as a child, though she did share her story with me when I was in my forties.
Though she didn’t speak to me about these things as a child, she mentored them for me through her interactions and energy, and so I also saw myself the way she did.
My human self slowly overshadowed my spirit self. Then, finally, my mind started controlling my reality.
Soon, I forgot that I was a powerful spirit and lived as a limited human.
I got lost in the human experience like so many others do.
Until the day I remembered who I was, which happened over time, through little bits, starting in April 2022 and concluding in July 2022.
So, who are you? You are spirit. You are part of the consciousness. And you have a purpose.
Have you yet to discover what your purpose is? If not, you will, as you, too, remember who you are.
So, what are you capable of doing?
You can achieve and create anything you believe yourself to be able to do. This is the power of attraction. You are able to make positive changes or negative outcomes through this universal principle.
The last part is the key and the most essential part.
You can attract into your life, manifest whatever you desire – if you can believe that you can.
Your creations come to you as easily or as hard as you believe them to be.
Your creations come to you as quickly or slowly as you believe them to be.
When I say “your creations,” I mean what others often call manifestations. A manifestation is simply the result of what you have created.
Do you want to experience happiness and joy in your life? You can create this.
Do you want to live in a mansion to experience what this is like? You can create this.
Do you want to employ thousands and build an empire organization that creates generational wealth? You can create this.
Do you want to work in a way that is in flow, and you love your work so that you can’t imagine getting paid to do it? You can create this.
Do you want to fall madly in love and build happy relationship with your soul mate? You can create this.
You can create anything you want. You are indeed only limited by what you believe and don’t believe you can do.
How to attract anything you want into your life
There are thousands of articles written on how to manifest, and they often complicate the process.
You do not need angel numbers, water, candles, rituals, or anything else to manifest.
The only tool to manifest is through thought.
No incense, essential oil, crystal, smudge, vision board, or oracle cards will speed your ability to manifest.
Your ability to believe in the thought you create is the only way to manifest.
Your creation will then lead your actions, and you will find yourself attracting what you desire as quickly or as slowly as you believe it to take.
You control what you will manifest and how long it will take to come into your life.
What you do not control is the how.
You are responsible for the what and the why. You are not responsible for the how.
Creating your reality through attracting what you desire is done through co-creation with the greater consciousness.
You do not control the how. If you are able to determine the how, you have limited yourself to the human mind’s capabilities.
So, rather than this limitation, you are to relinquish the how to the endless, unlimited capabilities of the greater consciousness.
In essence, the simple steps to create and manifest are simple:
using your mind’s eye, envision and visualize what you desire.
experience the feeling of the manifestation complete in your life.
let that feeling lead your actions.
It is this simple.
Again, you do not need any tangible object, special prayer or mantra, specific positive affirmations, or anything else to attract what you desire in your life unless you feel the urge to do these after you set your creation in place.
You are to make decisions led by the feeling you felt in your positive thoughts creation.
Did you feel excited when you completed your manifestation in your mind’s eye?
Did you feel at peace?
Did you feel joy?
What is the feeling?
Lead with this feeling.
You do not need to do anything to achieve your creation and manifest what you desire.
Your birthright is to live in happiness, joy, peace, calm, and any other feeling you want to have in your life.
So, when you are pushing to accomplish actions and feel challenged, anxious, stressed, exhausted, frustrated, or any such feeling, this is your sign that you no longer align with your creation. Also read: The Truth About How to Attract Abundance from the Universe
How to stay aligned and bring your manifestations to life
Open the lines of communication between Source (or any other name you give to your higher power) and yourself.
By this, create a way to receive guidance and knowledge from Source.
You might need to do necessary changes in your current situation so to spend more time in receiving mode.
And create an environment where it’s easy to maintain a positive mindset, so to prevent the mind from wanting to determine the how.
Because whenever that happens, you’ll find that you do not bring your creations into reality and that everything feels heavy and hard.
Instead, quiet the mind and open yourself to receiving direct guidance. This is the way Source communicates with your subconscious mind and gives you the right action to take, which are usually small steps that unfold into the life of your dreams.
Ways to open yourself to receive direct guidance from Source:
connect with nature, spend more time outdoors, unplugged from devices, and mindfully present
meditate in any way that feels good to you
expressively journal
take walks
do creative work that puts you in a flow
spend time on your own in silence
practice mindfulness
When in these states, notice the sensations you feel, and do not try to edit or dismiss what comes to you. Do not try to judge or justify what comes to you. Receive.
Creating a lifestyle that keeps you connected to Source is best.
Focus on doing the good things that help you be in the present moment and maintain the belief system you desire.
You should reduce distractions, be selective of the time you give others, and meditate more.
You will receive your creation as quickly or as slowly as you believe them to come to you.
What stops your manifestations from becoming a reality?
You are the only thing that can stop your manifestations from unfolding in your life. In the universal law of attraction you hold the power of manifestation- both the good and the bad.
You must ask yourself:
“Does every part of me want what I asked for?”
“Is there a part of me that doesn’t want what I asked for?”
“How easily or hard do I tell myself this will be to achieve?”
“What words do I use to describe how I think will happen?
Am I sharing my creations with people that make me doubt their possibility?
Am I living life as someone that already has the manifestation?
Am I anxious about what will happen if my manifestation does not come true?
Have I attached myself to the outcome?
Does my happiness rely on an outcome?
Am I living primarily in the emotions I do not desire?
These questions will help you explore where you have blocks and limitations around your desires. These blocks and limitations will stop your creation from becoming realities.
Remember you are a powerful being. Life is for your creation. Break free from limitations and you will unfold into your life your desires.
This is part one, I will continue with writing more on the learnings including the concept of inner child healing and how it is not what we think, the truth around signs, tarot card readings, and angel numbers, and the importance of mastering your thoughts.